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英国商科作业代写 HRM

Keywords:英国商科作业代写 HRM

这两种方法在调动和管理人力资源和财政资源的方式上存在广泛的差异(Bacq和Janssen, 2011)。为了使公司在市场上有竞争力并稳步发展,商业企业家通常雇用有竞争力和有前途的雇员,并付给他们相应的报酬。报酬是对他们工作的认可,员工被公司吸引是因为有竞争性的报酬。此外,公司的利益将分配给所有的利益相关者,并投资于新的项目。然而,社会创业人力资源可以包括全职人员、兼职人员和志愿者。与商业企业家相比,大多数社会企业家无法用具有竞争力的工资来补偿员工,因为他们的企业规模小,资源有限(James, Howard, and Jane, 2006),而且他们通常规模小,资源有限(Bridgstock et al. 2010)。社会企业家的员工也更看重从工作中获得的非货币报酬(James, Howard, and Jane, 2006)。此外,正如Bacq和Janssen(2011)所述,当社会企业家有盈余时,他们会重新投资于社会使命,而不是分配给所有的利益相关者。因此,在管理金融和人力资源方面,社会企业家和商业企业家之间存在巨大差异。2006年在阿根廷旅行时,TOMS的创始人Blake Mycoskie目睹了孩子们在没有鞋的环境下成长的艰辛,他开始了TOMS的鞋计划。它是一个与社会企业相联系的社会项目。他们的理念是,顾客每买一双鞋,Toms就会为有需要的孩子们捐出一双,而且是一对一的。(汤姆斯,2018)。据报道,该公司是最早采用一对一系统的公司之一(Business Insider, 2016)。Toms目前与全球70个国家的90多家giving partners合作,已经向有需要的儿童分发了8600多万双全新的鞋子(Toms, 2018)。超过200万儿童得到了由给予伙伴提供的药物和Toms鞋的保护,免受钩虫的侵害(Toms, 2018)。现在,Toms已经扩展到其他几个像Toms鞋一样的社会项目,回馈社会。购买Toms眼镜时,Toms会提供处方眼镜、拯救视力的手术或医疗服务,以协助有需要的人士。Toms bag也是如此,Toms将利用这些利润为发展中国家的弱势群体提供安全饮用水和安全生产。有些人会说他们是一家有使命的公司,但是创始人Mycoskie说,“我们不是带着使命创立了一家公司,但是我们的使命已经变成了一家公司。
英国商科作业代写 HRM
There will be widespread differences between the two approaches in terms of the way in which human and financial resources are mobilized and managed (Bacq and Janssen, 2011). In order for a company to be competitive in the market and grow steadily, commercial entrepreneurs typically employ competitive and promising employees and pay them accordingly. Remuneration is recognition of their work, and employees are attracted to the company because of competitive rewards. In addition, the company’s interests will be distributed to all stakeholders and invested in new projects. However, human resource of social entrepreneurship could contain full-time staffs, part-time staffs, and volunteers. Majority of social entrepreneurs could not compensate employees with competitive wage compared to commercial entrepreneurs because of their venture (James, Howard, and Jane, 2006) and they are usually small, resource-constrained (Bridgstock et al. 2010). Also the employees of social entrepreneurship value more on non-monetary compensation obtained from work (James, Howard, and Jane, 2006). What is more, as Bacq and Janssen (2011) state that social entrepreneurs will reinvest in the social mission when they have a surplus than distributing to all stakeholders. So there is a big difference between social and commercial entrepreneurs when it comes to managing finance and human resource.While traveling in Argentina in 2006, TOMS Founder Blake Mycoskie witnessed the hardships faced by children growing up without shoes, and he started Toms shoe program. It is a social program that is linked to its social enterprise. The concept is that every time a customer buys a pair of shoes, Toms will donate a pair to the children in need, one for one. (Toms, 2018). It is reported that the company was one of the first companies to adopt a one for one system (Business Insider, 2016). Toms currently works with more than 90 giving partners across 70 countries around the world, and it has distributed more than 86 million pairs of brand new shoes to children in need (Toms, 2018). Over 2 million children have been protected from hookworm with medication and Toms Shoes provided by the Giving Partners (Toms, 2018). Now, Toms has expanded into several other social programs that like Toms shoes, giving back to society. For Toms eyewear purchases, Toms will offer prescription glasses, eyesight-saving surgery or medical treatment to help the person in need. The same goes with Toms bag, Toms will use the profit to provide safe water and safe birth to disadvantaged people who live in developing countries. Some people would say they are a company with a mission, but the founder Mycoskie says, ‘we didn’t start a company with a mission, but our mission has become a company’ 

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