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教师害怕教学性教育的局限性,什么可以和不能教和/或讨论。爱泼斯坦认为,一个更广泛的版本的性教育纳入学生之间的非正式的文化和性别和性存在的认识会在现有的性教育课程,是成熟的道德判断,缺乏情感和语境的方式(在,2003)。“强制异性恋的压力也在寻求他们的性别身份建构孩子的主要问题。和儿童家庭中的暴力经验的认知可以描绘他们的性别和角色的想法(雷诺,2005)。1988年5月24日,当地政府的法案28条款生效。该法案旨在禁止地方当局促进同性恋行为。在2000年7月20日,保守党投票有自己的第28节的版本,指出学校不应该促进同性恋的教育作为一个假装的家庭关系,但应促进婚姻的教学作为社会的关键组成部分。在苏格兰,第28节也被称为第2A节被废除,但选票证明保持部分(莫兰,2001)。这样的问题对同性恋者的偏见成为一个问题指责有同性恋的滥用,因为学校教师受法律禁止同性恋宣传。Chris Woodhead,英国学校总监认为28节没有造成一个问题,虽然他的研究不是很透彻。爱泼斯坦在对学生和老师进行采访后得出结论,因为老师不知道如何遵守,所以“困惑和恐惧”的气氛就产生了。因此,教师会忽视同性恋的骚扰和欺凌。这是学校最普遍的滥用形式。任何看起来“不同”的孩子都可能受到惩罚。第28条的结论是保护儿童免受同性恋宣传,如果废除将有破坏性的后果失去了异性恋婚姻生活的消息作为一个价值提升.
Teachers have fears with teaching sex education as to what their limitations of what can and cannot be taught and/or discussed. Epstein feels that a broader version of sexual education incorporated with the informal cultures and pre-existing understandings of sex and sexuality among the students would be the way to go in place of the existing sex education curriculum that is ripe with moral judgment and devoid of emotion and context (Lesnick, 2003). The pressures of ‘compulsory heterosexuality’ are primary concerns in children who are seeking the construction of their gender identities. The perceptions and experiences of violence in children’s homes can portray their idea of gender and their roles (Renold, 2005).On May 24, 1988, Section 28 of the Local Government Act came into force. The act was to refrain local authorities from promoting homosexuality. On July 20, 2000, the Conservative Party voted to have its own version of Section 28 which stated that the schools should not promote the teaching of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship, but should promote the teaching of marriage as the key building block of society. In Scotland, Section 28 known also as Section 2a was repealed, but the ballot papers proved to keep the section (Moran, 2001). Thus the question of prejudice against homosexuals became an issue accusing that there was homophobic abuse in schools because teachers were inhibited by law banning the promotion of homosexuality. Chris Woodhead, chief inspector of schools in England concluded that Section 28 had not caused a problem, although his investigation was not very thorough. Epstein, after interviewing students and teachers, concluded that an atmosphere of “confusion and fear” arose because the teachers did not know how to comply with it. Therefore, teachers would ignore homophobic harassment and bullying. It is the most widespread form of abuse in schools. Any child that seems ‘different’ may be subjected to it. Section 28 is concluded to protect children from homosexual propaganda and if repealed would have damaging consequences losing the message of heterosexual marriage for life as a value to promote

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