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该研究题为“患者对卫生保健服务的满意度:访问古吉拉特邦苏伦德拉那加市一家民医院门诊部的患者的横断面研究”,发表于2013年《国际医学科学与公共卫生杂志》。采用预先设计好的问卷对患者进行访谈,问卷可以分为满意/不满意、是/否、好/中/差、充分/不充分等选项。研究显示,整体而言,病人对医院提供的服务质素满意。但在等候时间和专科医生的可用性方面显示有轻微至中度的满意。病人的满意度被认为是重要的在评估和塑造卫生保健。Mansour Alturki, Tahir M。Khan于2013年在《沙特药学杂志》上发表了一篇题为《沙特阿拉伯王国东部阿拉萨省恩特医院药师对卫生服务满意度调查研究》的文章。他们进行了一项横断面研究,以评估与在医院药房向患者提供的药房服务相关的患者满意度。本研究采用自填式15项问卷,共分为3个部分,分别考虑了患者人口学数据、受访者健康状况信息、药师与患者互动水平。结果采用独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析。本研究显示,患者对药师的可用性、药师对药品的说明/清楚标示、药师的礼貌和及时服务等方面的满意程度最高。老年患者对药房服务的满意度高于其他年龄组。但总体而言,沙特患者的满意度低于埃及和其他国家的患者,这可能与年龄、性别和教育程度等人口统计学特征有关。
 The study was entitled as “Patient satisfaction About Health Care Services: A Cross Sectional Study of Patients Who Visited the Outpatient Department of a Civil Hospital at Surendranagar, Gujarat” which was published in International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2013. The patient were interviewed using pre-structured questionnaires which can be replied in choices like satisfactory/unsatisfactory, yes/no, good/moderate/poor, adequate/inadequate. The study revealed that overall the patient satisfaction was good regarding the quality of the services provided by the hospital. But revealed mild to moderate satisfaction regarding waiting time and specialist availability. Patient satisfaction was considered to be important in both evaluation and shaping of health care.Mansour Alturki, Tahir M.Khan published a study entitled “A study investigating the level of satisfaction with the health services provided by the pharmacist at ENT hospital, Eastern Region Alahsah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” in Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal,2013. They conducted a cross sectional study to evaluate the satisfaction of the patients related to pharmacy services provided to the patients at the hospital pharmacy. A self-administered 15-item questionnaire was used in the study which comprises of three sections which considered patient demographic data, information about health status of respondents, pharmacist-patient interaction level. The results were analyzed using independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. This study shows that the patient were majorly satisfied about the availability of the pharmacist and the explanations/clear labeling of drugs, politeness and prompt services of the pharmacist. The elderly patients were highly satisfied with the services provided by the pharmacy than the other age groups. But overall the satisfaction levels of the Saudi patients were least than that of the Egyptian and others and it may associate with the demographic features such as age, sex, and level of the education.

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