Researchers agree that most recreational agencies demonstrate inadequate and unsuccessful marketing tactics. Crompton (2008) established a Benefits Evolution Pyramid which traces the evolution of recreation and leisure services marketing in the United States. According to Crompton (2008), most recreation agencies and professionals are operating at the two lowest levels of the pyramid which include the base or Activity / Custodial Focus and the second stage of Promotion / Selling Focus. He maintains that a limited number of agencies have evolved to embrace User and Community Benefits Focus and very few have adopted the final stage of Repositioning Focus. Crompton (2008) defines Repositioning as a process of identifying paramount community concerns and responding with implementation of recreation services which address the issues. He contends that positive stakeholder perception changes typically only occur in the highest two tiers of the Benefits Evolution Pyramid. Once recreational services are perceived to hold societal merit, community awareness takes place and additional funding leads to satisfied community members and programming longevity