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英国影评作业代写 工人的革命

Keywords:英国影评作业代写 工人的革命

很明显,工人的革命足以引起资本家的注意。工人革命表明工人阶级不能忍受剥削太久。工人们最终必须承认他们的权利,并要求更好的待遇。在Jean Renoir的电影中所描绘的阶级制度的概念有助于欣赏卡尔马克思的哲学(Davis, 2012)。具体来说,巴塔拉的行为疏远了兰格的工作。他无法从他的工作中获得回报,巴塔拉对他原来的工作做了一些改变。因此,巴塔拉是一个无情的资本家,他利用员工和兰格等作家的利益。很明显,异化的概念贯穿整部电影。在兰格追求巴塔拉的过程中,很明显,工人阶级已经采取措施不懈地追求他们的权利。巴塔拉出版公司的运作方式类似于工业环境。兰格必须采取行动来补救他的书面作品和保护他的工作。雷诺阿成功地提供了一个阶级批判,证明了新兴的阶级冲突对工人阶级的不利影响。让·雷诺阿展示了由巴塔拉这样的人组成的上层阶级是如何利用下层阶级的。这部电影中的阶级制度正面临着一场可能引发革命的关键性冲突(Davis, 2012)。值得注意的是,Jean Renoir更加关注Batala的描述,他的核心目标是展示社会的上层阶级是如何极度剥削的,并有增加利润的决心。巴塔拉没有注意到他的员工和兰格的需求。相反,巴塔拉利用兰格的作品赢得了越来越多的欢迎。很明显,让·雷诺阿巧妙地提出了这种对社会阶级的批判。尽管采取了微妙的方式,但课堂互动及其负面影响在电影中出现了(Nevin, 2016)。兰格最终杀死了巴塔拉,他的行为在政治和社会层面上都是正当的。巴塔拉是一个属于上层阶级的无情的出版人,对下层阶级漠不关心。巴塔拉选择利用下层阶级为自己积累利润。这些阶级斗争是马克思在他的哲学中所描述的社会的典型现象。
英国影评作业代写 工人的革命
It is explicit that the revolution of the workers is sufficient to attract the attention of the capitalists. The workers’ revolution demonstrates that the working class cannot tolerate exploitation for too long. The workers must eventually recognise their rights and demand better treatment. The concepts of the class system depicted in Jean Renoir’s movie helps in appreciating the philosophy of Karl Marx (Davis, 2012). Specifically, Batala’s actions serve to alienate Lange from his work. He is unable to earn returns from his work and Batala has made some changes to his original work. For this reason, Batala is a ruthless capitalist that takes advantage of his employees as well as authors such as Lange. It is clear that the concept of alienation is evident throughout the film. As Lange pursues Batala, it is clear that the working class has taken measures to pursue their rights relentlessly. The manner in which Batala’s publishing company operates is similar to the operations of an industrial setting. Lange must take action to redeem his written works and protect his job.Jean Renoir succeeded in providing a class critique that demonstrates the manner in which an emerging class conflict adversely affects the working class. Jean Renoir demonstrates how the upper class comprising of people such as Batala take advantage of the lower class. The class system in this movie is facing a critical conflict that is likely to trigger a revolution (Davis, 2012). Notably, Jean Renoir pays more attention to Batala’s description with the core objective of demonstrating how the upper class of the society were extremely exploitative and with the determination to increase profits. Batala does not pay attention to the needs of his employees or the needs of Lange. On the contrary, Batala used Lange’s work to earn an increasing level of popularity. It is evident that Jean Renoir presented this critique of the social classes subtly. Despite the subtle approach, the class interactions and their adverse effects emerge in the movie (Nevin, 2016). Lange eventually kills Batala, and his action is justified on both political and social grounds. Batala had been a ruthless publisher belonging to the upper class and with a disregard for the lower class. Batala chooses to take advantage of the lower class as he accumulated profits for himself. These class struggles are typical of the society that Karl Marx described in his philosophy.

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