Bridging the gap between boys and girls education in Nigeria and the rest of Sub- Sahara African had been the focus of many projects and policies of the governments and Non- governmental organizations for several years. It is said to be known to be the best investment in development, but it is sad to say that a large number of young girls still do not attend school. The global figure for out-of-school children is estimated at 115 million children of primary school age in 2001/02. Globally, 61.6 million girls of primary school age were not in school, accounting for 53% of the total number. The greatest absolute numbers of out-of-school children were found in sub-Saharan Africa (45 million) and South Asia (42 million). (Children Out of School: Measuring Exclusion from Primary Education UNESCO 2005).In Nigeria, girls' access to basic education, especially in northern states, has remained low. Figures put it as few as 20% of women in the North West and North East of the country are literate and have attended school. The 2006 National School Census (NSC) revealed a net enrolment ratio (NER) of 80.6% suggesting that a substantial proportion (19%) of children of primary school age (6-11 years) are not enrolled in primary schools nationwide (UNICEF 2007). This represents about 5 million Nigerian children aged 6-11 years old that do not access primary education. The Net Attendance Ratio is at 60.10%, translating to about 40% level of non attendance among primary school age children. In the Northern part of Nigeria, where girls' enrolment rates are already low, it is likely that those who do not participate in education are girls. (Unicef Life Skills, 2007).