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宗教在艺术界一直扮演着重要的角色,但在浪漫主义时期,这种角色发生了巨大的变化。不再是艺术家在他们的宗教和宗教代表的宗教。在这期间,他们把宗教在许多相同的方式作为古典主义描绘神话传说。就好像他们不相信它了。尽管整个欧洲和美国同时举行了总的运动,但各个地方的艺术却迥然不同。然而,最常见的主题之一是,人出生“好”。这与前几代人的宗教影响形成鲜明的对比,即人类生来就“坏”,被教会和社会引导为良善。在浪漫主义中,人被社会腐化而不是被它拯救。浪漫的艺术家能够远远超过他们的前辈,所以他们能够亲眼看到他们的工作的主题。他们不再仅仅根据他们在书中读到的东西来想象。他们广泛旅行,这些土地的妇女往往被描述为比居住在家里的女性更为异国情调。从美国东北部的风景到英国的风景,再到大自然的象征景观,在艺术家的心灵和灵魂中,都是一支强大而有影响力的力量。有时大自然的暴力和不可预测的一面被描绘。在法国浪漫主义时期重叠与Napoleonic Wars早期的一部分,所以这一事件激发了许多艺术家在这一关键期。
Religion has always played a significant role in the world of art, but this role changed dramatically in the Romantic period. No longer were artists as religious in their representation of the church and religion. During this period, they portrayed religion in much the same way as the Classicists portrayed mythology and legend. It was almost as if they didn't believe in it any more. Even though the general movement took place at the same time all over Europe and the United States, the art was dramatically different in each place. However, one of the most common themes was that man was born “good”. This is in sharp contrast to the religious influence of previous eras that expressed that man was born “bad” and was guided to goodness by the church and society. In Romanticism, man was corrupted by society rather than saved by it. Romantic artists were able to travel far more than their predecessors so they were able to see first-hand the subjects of their work. They were no longer bound to imagine simply based upon what they read in a book. They traveled extensively and often women of these lands were described as more exotic than the women that resided at home.Nature also paid an important role in Romantic art. From the landscape of north-eastern United States to the landscapes of England and to the symbolic landscape of Germany nature was a powerful and influential force in the artists mind and soul. Sometimes the violent and unpredictable side of nature was portrayed. The early part of the Romantic period in France overlapped with the Napoleonic Wars, and so this event inspired many of the artists during this crucial time.

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