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在这些措施中,文献综述利滕伯格COMPAS,亥,Keefe &(1998)提供有见地的阅读。特别是介绍治疗IBS提供有力证据的认知行为干预的效果。他们引用Shaw、萨德勒、塔瓦,斯旺,杰姆斯&罗德(1991)谁表明,CBT比降低IBS发作的频率和严重程度提供规范的医疗保健更有效。布兰查德等人的两项研究。(1992)发现了类似的结果,虽然没有证据表明CBT优于注意控制条件。然而,其他研究表明,改善注意控制条件。心理治疗和标准医疗实践之间的比较显示,持续接受心理治疗的改善。在类似的研究中,一个控制和联合控制,催眠疗法已被证明具有有益的作用。 在测量疼痛时,试图测量这些治疗方法的疗效的持续困难。由于慢性疾病往往与疼痛在一段时间内,有必要评估的痛苦,一个人正在受苦。最重要的是,没有临床公认的准则,什么是显着减少疼痛。这里提到的研究和康帕斯等人回顾。(1998)采用50%门槛。在总结心理干预的影响,这些研究表明,对慢性疾病的疼痛方面的管理最有效的治疗方法是CBT,OBT和BFB。这项研究还指出了一些未来的发展,在心理社会支持的可能性,涉及家庭成员的干预,以及简要考虑个人差异的想法。


In an overview of the literature on these interventions, Compas, Haaga, Keefe & Leitenberg (1998) provide insightful reading. In particular their overview of treatments for IBS provides strong evidence for the efficacy of cognitive behavioural interventions. They cite Shaw, Srivastava, Sadler, Swann, James, & Rhodes (1991) who showed that CBT was more effective than the standard medical care provided in reducing the frequency and severity of IBS attacks. Two studies by Blanchard et al. (1992) found similar results although there was little evidence that CBT was better than the attention control condition. Other studies, however, have shown an improvement over attention control conditions. Comparisons between psychotherapy and standard medical practices have shown a sustained improvement for those receiving psychotherapy. In similar studies, one controlled and one un-controlled, hypnotherapy has been also shown to have a beneficial effect.
A continuing difficulty in trying to measure the efficacy of these treatments is in the measurement of pain. As chronic illness is often associated with pain over a period of time, there is a need to evaluate the pain that a person is suffering. On top of this there are no clinically recognised guidelines for what counts as a significant reduction in pain. For the studies mentioned here and reviewed by Compas et al. (1998) a 50% threshold was used. In summing up the effects of psychological interventions, these researchers make it clear that the most effective treatments for the management of the pain aspects of chronic illness are CBT, OBT and BFB. This research also points the way towards some future developments in psychosocial support in mentioning the possibility of involving family members in the intervention as well as briefly considering the idea of individual differences.

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