teachers and students both need a system of strategic supports. For the teachers this includes sufficient training and understanding of ADHD, classroom support and regular, collaborative meetings with stakeholders. This means working with parents, professionals (e.g. individuals such as SENCO’s and organisations such as LEA’s), staff and peers at a number of different levels. For example, SENCO’s can provide professional support whereas parents may need directing towards positive parenting courses; peers need to understand how to help the class function inclusively and other staff need to know what approaches work best with these students.The time to undertake their own action research and reflect upon these is also necessary. Reflection is clearly an important part of inclusive practice. Sec. 5.6 of the SEN Code of Practice (2001, p. 44) accepts pedagogical differences in teaching styles but stresses that individuals needs to looks to their own teaching practice and classroom organisation in order to support all learners. It has already been mentioned that ADHD students can find school a challenging and difficult place to be so it falls to the students support systems to help them. Therefore, reflection also applies to the creating of networks (and using support systems) to support individual students – parents, staff, agency and peer – and takes ongoing management in order to remain effective. This can be done through regular meetings as well as ongoing assessments and methods of interactive feedback such as a communication book or diary.