英国格拉斯哥作业代写 金融情报机构
Keywords:英国格拉斯哥作业代写 金融情报机构
他们的报告必须传达给法国金融情报机构TRAFFIC。它的目的是收集、分析和完成受法律约束的专业人员的可疑活动报告,并在受到司法起诉时将这些报告提交给法院。本文中引用的所有职业都有义务报告所有可疑活动,如果他们不愿意执行协议,可能会受到惩罚。TRAFFIC可以将STR传递给以下司法当局:检察官、地方法官,也可以根据案件或当局向不同的警察传递。根据第561-35条,金融市场管理局(AMF)也是控制金融投资和资产管理的主管当局。在法国制度的一份简历中,第561-1条和以下各段是定期更新的主要组成部分,以改变欧洲指令和适用FATF的要求。除了打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资,这些法律和行动者还通过消除犯罪资金融入经济可能带来的通货膨胀风险,帮助维持和加强健康的经济。第四项欧洲指令的实施是为了提高非营利组织和公司的透明度。现在,他们有义务申报拥有公司资产或协会25%或以上的受益所有人。该指令在法国政体中被2017年6月12日的n°2017-1094号法令所取代,该法令涉及完成了《货币与金融法》第l561 -2-2号法律条款的实体的实益所有权。[14]中国英语学习网2018年5月30日,欧洲遭受恐怖袭击后,欧盟通过了第五项指令。[15]扩展其规定提供虚拟货币对实体服务,降低阈值识别预付卡的主人,使大众受益所有人的注册和其他要求法国所有欧盟成员国将不得不转置在他们内部立法在2020年1月1日之前。我们可以强调这样一个事实,即通过过去的事件和金融领域不断的技术创新,法国政府正在不断调整其法律和发展其进程,以跟上最高级别的ML/FT制度。
英国格拉斯哥作业代写 金融情报机构
Their reports must be conveyed to TRAFFIC, the French Financial Intelligence Unit. Its goal is to collect, analyse and complete suspicious activity reports made by the professional subject to the law and to pass these reports to the court in case of judicial prosecution. All professions quoted in this article have the duty to report all suspicious activity and can be sanctioned if they did not execute the protocol willingly. TRAFFIC can transmit the STR to the following judicial authorities: prosecutors, magistrate but also to different police depending on the case or authorities. According to the article 561-35, the Authority of Financial Market (AMF) is also a competent authority for controlling financials investment and asset management. In a resume in the French regime, the article 561-1 and the following paragraphs are the main components that is regularly updated to transpose the European directives and apply the FATF requirements. Beyond fighting the money laundering and terrorism financing, these laws and actors help to maintain and reinforce a healthy economy by eradicating the risk of inflation that can come from the integration of criminal money into the economy. The fourth European directives was implemented to create more transparency over the Non-profit Organisation and company. Now, they are obligated to declare the beneficial owner who possesses twenty-five per cent or more of a company asset or an association. This directive was transposed in the French regime by the decree n°2017-1094 of the 12 June 2017 in relation to the beneficial ownership of entities which complete the article of law L561-2-2of the Monetary and the Financial Code. [14] More recently, after the terrorist attacks in Europe, the fifth European directive have been adopted on the 30 of May 2018. [15] It extends its regulations over entities which provides virtual currencies service, lower the thresholds for identifying prepaid card owners and make accessible to the public a register of the beneficial owner and many other requirements that France as all European Union members will have to transpose in their internal legislation before the 1st of January 2020. We can highlight the fact that through the past events and constant technologic innovations in Finance, the French regime is in constant adaptation of its laws and development of its process to keep up to date its ML/FT regime at the highest level.