
没有教师的授权,学校的改善是不可能的。被赋予权力的教师有权决定课程、教学方法和评估,他们通过试验新想法、阅读新书、参加和策划专业发展活动而成为风险承担者。(McCarty,1993)。校长和学校领导必须提供援助,为教师提供主权和行动自由,他们还需要制定方法,促进教师参与学校的决策和决策活动。赋权被认为是一种重要的品质,就像相互信任、支持和认可一样,能带来一种专业的感觉,从而促进教师领导素质的发展。(Mujis & Harris, 2003)。她建议,如果系统的所有方面都得到重新调整和审查,教师可以在他们的学校发展成为变革型的领导者。为了实现这一转变,管理和管理者的责任已经被许多研究者所强调。
School improvement is not possible without the empowerment of teachers. Teachers who are empowered have ‘the power to make decisions about curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, they become risk takers by experimenting with new ideas, reading new books, and attending and planning professional development activities. (McCarty, 1993). Heads and school leaders must provide assistance to provide sovereignty and freedom of movement to the teachers They also need to develop ways that promote teacher participation in the decision- and policy-making activities of the school.Empowerment is considered to be as important an attribute as are mutual trust, support and recognition to bring about a sense of professionalism, leading to the development of leadership qualities in teachers. (Mujis & Harris, 2003).She suggested that teachers can develop into transformational leaders in their schools if all aspects of the system are re-aligned and re-examined. The responsibility of the administration and superintendent has been highlighted by many researchers’ in order to bring about this transformation.