
全人工心脏(TAH),如图2所示,外科医生用生物相容性塑料或另一种人造材料替换左心室和右心室(Laurenson, 2011)。通常使用的生物相容性塑料被称为“Angioflex”,由特殊的聚氨酯和钛组成(Avula, 2013)。生物相容性塑料心室通过尼龙搭扣连接。使用维可牢的原因是,医生能够以一种舒适和适合病人的方式放置心室(辛卡迪亚,2018)。这两个心室也连接两个管道,其中包含特定的线圈,离开身体,然后连接到外部电源,帮助人工瓣膜收缩和确保血液流动。电源被放在一个袋子里,病人走到哪里就带到哪里,因为没有电源,病人的心脏就无法收缩,病人就会死亡。如图3所示,有临时全人工心脏的各个部分。医学专家在制造这些部件时所做的就是使材料变得温和而耐用,以帮助这个动力器官维持其正常功能。虽然这是有帮助的,但它并不能证明病人在没有医生或医学专家的观察下就可以离开。
A Total Artificial Heart (TAH), as shown in Figure 2, is where surgeons replace the left and right ventricles with either a biocompatible plastic or another man-made material (Laurenson, 2011). The biocompatible plastic that is typically used is called, “Angioflex”, and it is composed up of special polyurethane and titanium (Avula, 2013). The biocompatible plastic ventricles are the connected by Velcro. The reason that Velcro is used is so that the doctor is able to place the ventricles in a way that is comfortable and appropriate for the patient (Syncardia, 2018). Those two ventricles are also then connected two tubes, containing specific coils, exiting the body to then be connected to an external power source that helps the artificial valves to contract and ensure blood flow. The power source is placed in a bag and carried around anywhere the patient goes because without the power source the patient will have a heart that cannot contract and the patient will die. As shown in Figure 3, there are various part the temporary Total Artificial Heart. Something that medical experts did while creating these parts was establishing the material to be gentle yet durable to help this power organ sustain its normal functioning properties. Although this is helpful, it does not certify a patient to go without being watched or observed by a surgeon or medical expert.