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不幸的是,几乎所有伊斯兰建筑纪念碑都在15世纪末遭到破坏;只有阿尔罕布拉号没有受损(Fletcher, 1987)。许多著名的作家和艺术家在他们的作品中描绘了阿尔罕布拉(Ching, 1979)。例如,华盛顿·欧文在访问西班牙的这个地方时创造了关于阿尔罕布拉的故事。尽管许多伊斯兰建筑遭到破坏(Barrucand & Bednorz, 1992),但由于1989年伊斯兰复兴的结果,最近在格拉纳达为西班牙穆斯林建造了一座新的伊斯兰清真寺。穆斯林可以在清真寺祈祷,接受医学和法律等科学教育。如今,西班牙的穆斯林人数接近100万,这些人强烈捍卫自己的权利和信仰。一些西班牙穆斯林继续住在格拉纳达的阿尔巴坎区,穆斯林在10-15世纪曾住在那里。然而,西班牙穆斯林和基督徒之间的紧张关系相当复杂,尽管西班牙政府意识到改善这两个宗教团体之间的关系至关重要。分析了伊斯兰教入侵对西班牙历史的影响,认为穆斯林对西班牙经济、文化、科学、建筑、艺术和宗教等生活领域产生了重大影响。他们设法改善了国家的农业和制造业,为国家的繁荣和财富作出了贡献;他们在科学发现的基础上实施了许多先进的系统,特别是阿拉伯数字计算系统、照明系统和灌溉方法。穆斯林把他们在医学、代数、化学、天文学、建筑、艺术、自然和技术方面的知识传授给西班牙人,西班牙人又把这些宝贵的数据传授给其他欧洲国家。因此,伊斯兰教对西班牙的入侵为欧洲的文艺复兴铺平了道路;正如Ghazanfar(2004)所指出的,穆斯林不仅占领了西班牙,而且通过几乎所有已知领域无可比拟的知识转移,奠定了欧洲文艺复兴的根基(p.11)。今天,伊斯兰教的影响在许多反映阿拉伯根源的西班牙语词汇中,以及在建筑纪念碑、文学、科学、法律和文化传统中表现得尤为明显。虽然伊斯兰教在20世纪末正式在西班牙复兴,但穆斯林继续受到来自西班牙基督教徒方面的严重种族偏见。
Unfortunately, almost all Islamic architectural monuments were destroyed at the end of the fifteenth century; only the Alhambra remained undamaged (Fletcher, 1987). Many famous writers and artists depicted the Alhambra in their works (Ching, 1979). For instance, Washington Irving created Tales of the Alhambra when he visited this place in Spain. Despite the destruction of many Islamic buildings (Barrucand & Bednorz, 1992), a new Islamic mosque for Spanish Muslims hasbeen recently built in Granada as a result of Islam renewal in 1989. The Muslims are able to pray in the mosque and receive education in such sciences as medicine and law. Today the number of the Muslims in Spain approaches to onemillion people who strongly defend their rights and their faith. Some Spanish Muslims continue to live in the Albaican quarter in Granada, where the Muslims lived in the 10-15 centuries. However, the tensions between Spanish Muslims and Spanish Christians are rather complicated, although Spanish government realises that it is crucial to improve the relations between these two religious groups.Analysing the impact of the Islamic invasion on the history of Spain, the essay suggests that the Muslims considerably affected such areas of Spanish life as economics, culture, science, architecture, art and religion. They managed to improve the country’s agriculture and manufacturing, contributing to its prosperity and wealth; they implemented many advanced systems based on scientific findings, especially Arabic number system of calculation, the illumination system and the irrigation method. The Muslims transferred their knowledge in medicine, algebra, chemistry, astronomy, architecture, art, nature and technology to Spanish people who further imparted these valuable data to other European countries. Thus, the Islamic invasion on Spain paved the way for the period of Renaissance in Europe; as Ghazanfar (2004) puts it, Muslims not only occupied Spain but planted the roots of European Renaissance through unparalleled transfer of knowledge in almost every field known (p.11). Today the Islamic influence is especially obvious in many Spanish words that reflect the Arabic roots, as well as in architectural monuments, literature, sciences, legal laws and cultural traditions. Although Islam was officially renewed in Spain at the end of the twentieth century, the Muslims continue to experience serious racial prejudices from the side of Spanish Christians.

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