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英国护理学essay代写 老年痴呆

Keywords:英国护理学essay代写 老年痴呆

世界上每三秒钟就有一个人被诊断出患有痴呆症。今天,有4700万人患有这种疾病,但到2050年,这个数字应该是现在的三倍。目前,爱尔兰有近5.5万痴呆症患者;19,800名男性和35,650名女性中有4,000名年龄在65岁以下,被归类为早发性痴呆(Trepel, 2011)。据估计,到2046年,由于人口老龄化,患有痴呆症的人数将上升到153,157人。在爱尔兰大约有4000老年痴呆症病例发现,每年大约有50000家庭护理人员照顾患有痴呆症为每个被诊断为老年痴呆症的人至少有三名家庭成员的心理和行为直接影响痴呆的症状是一个术语,用来描述各种各样的心理和行为反应发生在患有老年痴呆症的病因。它也可以被称为失智症的非认知方面,因为这样的术语专门指的是固有的行为主体的症状,导致病理。痴呆的心理方面构成了一种精神病理障碍,其他第三年龄的障碍,可在各种病因形式的精神错乱中发现。它包括精神病症状(妄想和幻觉)、抑郁、失眠、冷漠和焦虑、攻击性、性欲亢奋和流浪行为。在心理方面,幻觉产生思维的变化,如物体、人、动物和光,这些变化与现实不相符合,只有个体才能感知。妄想是一种错误的信念,但却有着坚定的信念,它通常表现在痴呆中,我们可以举个例子:妄想,宗教的,自大狂,色情狂,偏执和病态的嫉妒。抑郁症表现为明显的情绪方面,一个人会感到悲伤,痛苦,不满,在以前愉快的活动中缺乏快乐,内疚和低自尊,也会失去能量,睡眠和食欲的变化。冷漠的特点是缺乏主动性,对生活的各个方面漠不关心。有这种症状的病人更多地是指对自身存在的某种中立性。
Every three seconds, a person is diagnosed with dementia in the world. Today, 47 million people suffer from this disease, but this number should be three times greater in 2050. Currently, there are almost 55,000 people living with dementia in Ireland; 19,800 men and 35,650 women 4,000 of these people are under 65 and are classified as having younger onset dementia (Trépel, 2011). It is estimated that the number of people living with dementia will rise to 153,157 by 2046 due to population aging. Approximately 4,000 cases of dementia are identified in Ireland each year, there are approximately 50,000 family carers caring for someone with dementia for each person diagnosed with dementia there were at least three family members directly affected The psychological and behavioural symptoms of dementia are a term used to describe a variety of psychological and behavioural reactions that occur in people with dementia of any etiology. It can also be called non-cognitive aspects of dementia since such terminology refers specifically to the behaviour of the inherent subject to the symptom that causes pathologies. The psychological aspects of dementia constitute a psychopathological disorder other disorders of the third age and can be found in the varied etiological forms insanity. It ranges from psychotic symptoms (delusions and hallucinations), depression, insomnia, apathy and agitation, aggression, hypersexuality and wandering behaviour. In relation to the psychological aspects, the hallucinations produce changes of thought such as Objects, people, animals and lights that do not fit into reality and that only the individual perceives. Delusions are mistaken beliefs but held with great conviction and that usually manifests itself in dementia, we can use as an example: The delusions religious, megalomania, erotomania, paranoia and pathological jealousy. Depression is demonstrated by its apparent emotional aspect, one perceives sadness, anguish, dissatisfaction, lack pleasure in previously enjoyable activities, feelings of guilt and low self-esteem, there is also loss of energy and changes in sleep and appetite. Apathy is characterized by a lack of initiative and indifference towards all aspects of life. The patient with this symptom refers more often to certain neutrality about its own existence.

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