
美好的生活是一个人最幸福的状态。这种幸福可以通过演绎的视角来研究,这是许多哲学家长期以来所做的。柏拉图和亚里士多德这两位哲学家认为,美好的生活是一个人表现出完全美德的状态。在这篇文章中,他们的作品将会被比较和对比,给出一个清晰的论点,为人类的美好生活的意义。人类,他们的特征和他们的活动可以根据他们在人类生活中扮演的角色进行评估(meyer - levy, 2009)。另一种说法是,人类生活的每一个方面都有助于被认为是好的方面。人类作为创造物的主体,最终必然是善良的。这样的生活就是一个人的行为和感受会带来幸福的生活。这种幸福不仅仅是一种体验;它也不是遵循道德法则的结果。相反,幸福是一种活动。是个人的事件导致了美好的生活。随着时间的推移,柏拉图和亚里士多德等哲学家试图通过为各种说法辩护来强调善的概念。这样的描述并不要求一个富裕的人仅仅体验任何幸福或满足的感觉。他们所需要的是有意识地满足他们的欲望,而这并不是同一件事。
The good life is a condition in which a person will be the most happy. Such happiness can be researched through a deductive perspective, which has been done by many philosophers over time . Two such philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, deem the good life as the state in which a person exhibits total virtue. Throughout this essay, their works will be compared and contrasted to give clear argument to the meaning a good life for humans.Humans, their characteristics and their activities can be evaluated in relation to the parts they play in human life (Meyers-Levy, 2009). Alternatively saying, that every facet of human life can contribute to what is deemed good. Humans, being a subject of creation, ultimately entail goodness. Such a life is one in which actions someone does and feels leads to what is otherwise known as happiness. Such happiness is neither just an experience; nor is it found as a result of following moral laws. Rather, happiness is an activity. It is the events of the individual which lead to the life of good. INSERT REFERENCE Over time, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle have tried to highlight the concept of goodness by defending various accounts. Such accounts do not require that a person who is well off merely experience any feelings of happiness or satisfaction. What they do require is that their desires are consciously fulfilled, which does not come down to the same thing.