In addition, the short-term and long-term orientation of an organization also varies from organization to organization rather than based on strict national culture (Hollensen, 2007). For example, China that has scored very high as short-term oriented and perhaps this is the reason that some of the firms belonging to China has been involved in infringements of copyrights and intellectual property and the exact "me-too" of different leading products are produced within country. However, this could be termed just stereotype as there are some organization that belongs to the country, however they have more long-term oriented approach than their Anglo-Western counterparts. For example, Momande which is a brand of cosmetics belonging to China, however the organization has a very long-term oriented approach that could be judged from the fact that the organization has been spending around 25% of its revenue on the research and development activities. Unlike other China-based organization, Momande has premium pricing approach and the basic underlying reason behind the strategy is the unique flower extract formulas of the organization that has enabled the firm to capture an ever-increasing market share in the global cosmetics industry (Mamande, 2012).It is very clear from the above discussions that although the national culture factors are important in describing the general behavior of individuals within a country however, such an approach could best be termed as stereotypes rather than hard and fast rules (McSweeney, 2002). The fact is that in most of the circumstance the individual and organization's differences exists that dictate the type of culture that are more relevant from situation to situation. It is worth mentioning that increasingly as the race of globalization is continue that has been leading towards the formation of global companies, this is leading towards the existence of organization that have the same preference no matter whether it operate in North America or Africa or Middle East.