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对公立学校重新隔离的影响的研究集中于这种种族隔离教育对黑人和拉丁裔学生成绩水平的长期影响。这项研究使用了1988年全国教育纵向研究的纵向数据,调查了1988年春季全美8名学生的样本。1990年、1992年、1994年和2000年对学生进行了重新调查。资料:88个数据是有关教育过程和结果的相关研究,包括学生学习、辍学预测和对学生平等教育的影响。研究少数族裔和受教育程度的关系是很重要的,因为“种族隔离导致黑人和拉美裔学生在社区中生活,而少数族裔的比例高于白人。”(戈德史密斯,2009,4)本研究假设种族隔离使种族不平等持续存在,而黑人或拉丁裔在社区中所占的比例对个人的教育成就产生负面影响。(戈德史密斯,2009)的重点是种族隔离学校周围的环境,以及种族隔离的可能原因。这项研究总结了之前的研究结果,发现“社区的种族隔离主要是学校种族隔离的罪魁祸首”(Goldsmith, 2009, p10)。这表明,试图从白人、种族隔离的学校到综合学校的学校有很高的教师和工作人员的比率,他们报告说,他们没有接受足够的培训,在综合环境中教书。戈德史密斯还得出结论,黑人和拉美裔学生的种族隔离学校比白人学生更不可能从高中毕业,获得学士学位。以往研究的经验数据分析了种族隔离社区、种族隔离学校和教育结果之间的相关性。本研究通过分析“永续理论”的有效性,支持早期讨论种族隔离对个人成就和社区社会资本的影响的假设。这一理论认为,在学校和社区中经历种族隔离的黑人和拉丁美洲人在其他社会机构中继续被隔离,因为他们的生活中没有与白人发展网络或发展这些网络的知识。
study of the affect of re-segregation of public schools focused on the long-term effects of this segregated schooling on achievement levels of Black and Latino students. The study used longitudinal data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 which surveyed a sample of eight graders from across the U.S. in the spring of 1988. Students were resurveyed in 1990, 1992, 1994 and 2000. The NELS:88 data is relevant research about educational processes and outcome which include student learning, predictors of dropping out and effects on students' access to equal education. Studying the minority-concentration and educational-attainment relationship is important because “racialsegregation resultsinblacks and Latinos attendingschoolsand living in neighborhoods with higher proportions of minorities than whites.” (Goldsmith, 2009, 4) This study hypothesized that segregation perpetuates racial inequality and that the percentage of black or Latino in a neighborhood negatively affects individuals' educational achievement. The focus of ( Goldsmith, 2009) was the circumstances surrounding segregated schools, and possible causes of the segregation. This research summarized findings of previous studies and found that “The racial segregation of neighborhoods is principally responsible for the racial segregation of schools” (Goldsmith, 2009, p10).that show that schools that attempted to change from white, segregated schools to integrated schools had high rates of teachers and staff who reported that they did not receive adequate training to teach in integrated settings. Goldsmith also concluded that schools of segregated populations of Black and Latino students were less likely to graduate from high school and attain a bachelor's degree than students in predominantly white schools. Empirical data from previous studies was analyzed the correlation between segregated neighborhoods, segregated schools and educational outcomes. This research supports earlier discussed hypotheses of segregation's affect on individual achievement and community social capital by analyzing the validity of the “perpetuation theory”. This theory maintains that Blacks and Latinos who experience segregation in schools and their communities continue to be segregated in other social institutions over the course of their lives fail to develop networks with whites or the knowledge for developing these networks.

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