
关于种族和贫困如何影响学生的教育机会进行了大量的研究(Cashin, 2014;Brisport,2013;并不遥远,2010;米尔纳,2013;摩西,2011)。通过研究和研究在教育背景下的种族和贫困的变量,我希望能够进一步促进知识基础,即种族和贫困如何影响当今社会中学生的教育机会。这篇文献综述将有助于教育地理学领域的知识,以进一步加强目前对种族和贫困以及这两个变量对教育机会的影响的研究和研究。Butler和Hamnett(2007)指出,种族和教育机会之间存在着强烈的联系,在黑人和白人之间存在着严重的不平等。Jackson等人(2013)认为种族和教育机会之间存在着联系,尤其是在黑人和白人之间。Jackson等人(2013)在他们的文章中指出,在大学阶段,黑人学生的贷款金额比白人学生多,拖欠贷款的风险也比白人学生高。这两篇文章都指出,社会经济地位是黑人学生和白人学生之间存在不平等的主要原因。我倾向于同意学生的社会经济地位会影响他们的教育机会。我从经验和观察中得知,大多数黑人学生确实来自社会地位低于大多数白人学生的家庭。可悲的是,我们的社会如此强调种族和收入来决定一个人的价值,而实际上,一个人的价值与学生的生活能力没有关系。
There have been abundant studies conducted on how race and poverty can affect the educational opportunities of students (Cashin, 2014; Brisport, 2013; Hallinan, 2010; Milner, 2013; Moses, 2011). By researching and studying the variables of race and poverty within an educational setting I hope to be able to further contribute to the knowledge base of how race and poverty can affect educational opportunities of students in our society today. This literature review will help contribute knowledge to the field of educational geography to further enhance the research and studies currently being done on race and poverty and the effect that both of these variables have on educational opportunities. Butler and Hamnett, (2007) stated that there is a strong connection between race and educational opportunity with a major inequality being noted between blacks and whites and Jackson et al., (2013) would agree that the connection between race and educational opportunity exists especially between blacks and whites. Jackson et al., (2013) noted in their article that at the college level black students have larger student loan amounts and have a higher risk of loan default than white students. Both articles note socioeconomic status as the main reason for the existence of the inequality between black students and white students. I would tend to agree that the socioeconomic standing of a student will affect their educational opportunities. I know from experience and observation that most black students do come from families that have a lower social standing than most white students. It is sad that our society puts so much emphasis on race and income to determine the worth of a person when in reality neither should have a bearing on what a students is able to do with their life.