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Antoni Gaudi可以在许多方面被看作是一个矛盾的人物。他是一个政治民族主义和创造力的建筑师;一个充满激情和天主教传统和革命文艺先锋;和过分细致的艺术家从来没有能够完成他的定义的作品。由于这些原因,高迪在第二十世纪伟大的现代派艺术家和建筑师的更广泛的背景下削减了一个孤立的人物--一种孤立感,这似乎是由于他不属于一个奇异的创造性“运动”而加剧的。虽然知道他已经在同一个艺术界著名的西班牙画家巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索,高迪仍然是一个男人以自己独特的艺术眼光和更广泛的现代主义运动,新艺术创作风格的核心理念推动下,加泰罗尼亚的民族主义和哥特式复兴的一个独特的和极具挑战性的艺术混合而拒绝系绳本人的任何当代学院艺术视觉。因此,我们应该认识到,不像许多同时代人,高迪一直是一个数字,后人已经相对缓慢地认识到。在他有生之年,著名的爱(尤其是加泰罗尼亚人在感情上和艺术上的捐助)他的工作被掩盖的西班牙传统的反法西斯的加泰罗尼亚,接管了政治、军事和行政的西班牙内战停止后西班牙控制1939。只有在1976年Franco将军去世后,伴随着自治的加泰罗尼亚民族主义的兴盛,高迪的作品再次成为西班牙主流文化的中心宗旨。这就需要对他的作品进行广泛的重新评估--无论是建筑师还是历史学家。


Antoni Gaudi can in many ways be seen to be a contradictory figure. He was at once a political nationalist and creative architect; a passionate and traditional Catholic and a revolutionary artistic pioneer; and an obsessively meticulous artist who was never able to finish his defining piece of work. For these reasons, Gaudi cuts an isolated figure within the broader context of the great modernist artists and architects of the twentieth century – a sense of isolation which seems exacerbated by the fact that he did not belong to one singular creative ‘movement’. Although he was known to have moved within the same artistic circles as the celebrated Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, Gaudi remained a man fuelled by his own unique artistic vision marrying the core ideals of the broader Modernist Movement to the creative styles of art nouveau, Catalan nationalism and Gothic revival in a unique and highly challenging artistic hybrid while refusing to tether himself to any contemporary school of artistic vision. Therefore, we should realise that, unlike many of his contemporaries, Gaudi has been a figure that posterity has been relatively slow to recognise. Renowned and loved within his own lifetime (especially by the Catalans to whom he was emotionally and artistically tithed) his work was airbrushed from Spanish tradition by the anti-Catalan, fascist dictatorship which took over political, military and administrative control of Spain after the cessation of the Spanish Civil War in 1939. Only with the blossoming of autonomous Catalan nationalism, which has flourished in the generations since the passing of General Franco in 1976, has Gaudi’s work once again become a central tenet of mainstream Spanish culture. This has necessitated an extensive re-evaluation of his work – both by architects and historians alike.


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