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新的方法被发现抓鱼,捕捉羚羊和捕捉熊,旧的课程是以部落的大部分是过时的。该组织中的激进分子反对长老,质疑那些被认为是无关紧要的技术和教学。在过去和现在的教育体系中,人们可以与这一观点相提并论,这在1979 Thatcher政府中有其价值,并介绍了国家课程和所有已经取得的技术进步。之前,国家课程学校能够教“什么”和“如何”他们想要。这是一个自主的时间为教师和所有参与教育专业。英国的教育体系没有从普通教育普通级资格证书的引入改变了,和高级水平1951。直到1960年初,中学教育的证书被引入,因为O的水平被认为是太难了大多数的国家教育。1979 Margaret Thatcher的引进,可以看作是英国教育体制的重大变革,也是托尼·布莱尔在新工党中的主题延续。Thatcher试图彻底改变O水平的旧框架,介绍了目前普通教育证书。据凯莉,(1994)这一新的资格将纳入所有新的技术进步,让学生的知识,技能和能力,进步到更广阔的就业市场和终身学习的开始。随着时间的推移,所谓的革命资格建立在Thatcher,已经受到质疑,成为老后卫。tomlinsons报告2004课程改革提出了一个激进的资格框架,十四到十九岁的孩子。
As new ways were found to catch fish, snaring antelope and capturing bears, the old curriculum was sought to be out of date by the majority of the tribe. The radicals in the group opposed the elders and questioned the techniques and teaching which were seen to be irrelevant. One could draw parallels with this argument in the past and present education system, which has its values in the Thatcher Government of 1979 and the introduction of the National Curriculum and all the technical advances that have been made since. Prior to the National Curriculum schools were able to teach "what" and "how" they wanted. It was an autonomous time for teachers and all that were involved in the profession of education. The educational framework of Britain had not changed since the introduction of General Certificate of Education Ordinary level qualifications, and the Advanced GCE level in 1951. It was not until the early 1960's that the Certificate of Secondary Education was introduced, as the O' Levels were deemed to be too difficult for the majority of state education. The introduction of Margaret Thatcher in 1979 can be seen as the major change to the educational system in Britain, and the continuation of that theme in Tony Blair's New Labour in 1997. Thatcher sought to revolutionise the old framework of O levels and introduce an up to date General Certificate of Education. According to Kelly, A (1994) this new qualification would incorporate all the new technological advances and give students the knowledge, skills and abilities to progress into the wider world of employment and the beginning of lifelong learning. As time has gone by the supposedly revolutionary qualification set up under Thatcher, has itself come under questioning and become the old guard. Tomlinsons Report in 2004 on curriculum reform had put forward a radical shake up of the whole qualification framework for fourteen to nineteen year olds.

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