There are a lot of researchers studying about the effect of motivation on academic success so a great deal of theories about this concept have been defined. According to Maslow (1962), motivation means that the needs of human beings encouraged them to progress and attain the success. Besides, Kassin (2003) thinks that motivation is a personality characteristic of individual. Motivation is divided into three types: internal, external and achieving motivation (Entwistle, 1998). Whereas Entwistle (1998) thinks that internal motivation is a expression of personal interest, Deci (1975) finds that internal motivation is an action which is carried out for its own duty, not for interest. External motivation is the aspiration of accomplishing the course and achieving success. Achieving motivation is thought to do something well and maybe do better than peers.Moreover, a lot researchers also find that motivation is very important for the perseverance of students who wish to fulfill courses of study (Burgum, Martins, & Northey, 1993; McInnis, James, Evans, Peel, & Dobson, 1999). A study performed by Sharma and Burgess (1994) showed that over half of students decide to withdraw from universities because they did not have motivation. Furthermore, students classify self-motivation in the second rank and lecturers classify it in the first rank