The behaviourism school of thought developed classic conditioning which is learning by association, scientifically proven by Pavlov (1849-1936) and likewise as Thorndike (1874-1949). Their theories recognized the significance of 'positive experience' and hence can be pertained to mentoring. In that they stress the significance of acting in response with constructive support and commend to prompt mentees' to progress. Watson's' (1876-1958) promoted the stage by stage deductive approach, in which previous learning was replicated in order to strengthen learning and assist succession. Gagne's (1916-2002) scientific study of 'mental events' signified that learning was progressive and that learners were able to build on previously learned skills. By relating these theories to mentoring, they can sustain mentees' as learning through repetitive experiences and by relating actions to endorse perfections, building on learning can enable individuals to accomplish their objectives .Cognitivists deem that learners should to be encouraged to 'reflect for themselves', in the sense that they should actively hunt out knowledge in a more inductive manner, and represent their knowledge and understanding and be able to reflect on what they have learnt. Dewey (1859-1952) identified learning as 'learning to think' using reflection. Bruner (1915) claimed that learners should be educated how to evaluate problems themselves and develop into independent learners. Kolb's (1939) andragogy model, provided a structure to learning, in which it promoted the use of all four learning styles, in the same way as Honey and Mumford (1982). These theories are essential when trying to understand the importance of reflection (Bolton 2005) and double loop learning in the mentoring process.