
One important way in which a year-round school is superior to a traditional nine-month calendar school is in the education of the students. In a year-round school, the quality of instruction is higher for several reasons. The students learn continually throughout the year without overly long breaks. The more focused learning environment when school is in session allows for more in-depth studying, which means higher retention. Minimal review time is needed due to the absence of a wide gap between school sessions, so more material can be covered over the course of a year. "[Students] do not have the generous summer break to forget all that they have learned, so […] this scheduling format is conducive to learning." (Lit 4) Time can be saved by returning to school after a short break with the material fresh in the students' minds. "Research has demonstrated that … shorter vacation periods reduce summer learning loss." In a nine-month school, the quality of instruction is found to be lower in many cases. The American school system was created to coincide with the seasons of crop growth, but the gradual shift of the nation's economy from agriculture to industry has created a desperate need for a change in the way schools operate. "The September to June calendar year is viewed as antiquated , given that the economy is no longer based on agriculture and that children are no longer essential for planting and harvesting farms. Education is packed into nine months of the year, with the other three months devoid of any educational stimulus. Reception of the material learned while school is in session is therefore unbalanced and uneven.