
在现代,在中学的兴趣始于秋天从大‑规模的行政教育改革期间制定的1980年代中后期的一本书Thatcher政府专门处理这种新的聚焦于教育在区域和国家的水平Carole Edelsky 1991出版,与所有的素养正义,这应该被视为一种文学和政策预光标到新工党政府的出现,就是在识字兴趣广泛(和,具体地说,它关系到社会排斥)被触发。事实上,大众选举”的教育,教育的口号,教育”席卷托尼·布莱尔1997执政是在民族意识根深蒂固在第二十世纪末的那句话很短‑上市进入牛津英语词典。因此,毫不奇怪地得知,大部分的学术产出方面的识字从这个时候开始达到其顶峰在当代时代。 具体的关于素质教育和中学教育,不可能有更重要的工作比论文和研究的Maureen Lewis和David Wray编译(2006)。根据纳菲尔德扩展识字的工作(EXEL)项目,这是一个主要来源的书,用教师的第一手经验‑形成复合整体的关于如何在中学课堂中实施素质教学计划。这是增强的指南,如Wray自己的教学素养(2006),这表明中学教师(特别是英语教师)如何将文化学习在主流课堂。
n modern terms, interest in state secondary schools begins with the fall-out from the large‑scale administrative educational reforms enacted during the Thatcher governments in the middle and late 1980’s. One of the first books to deal specifically with this new focus upon education at the regional and national level was Carole Edelsky’s 1991 publication, With Literacy and Justice for All, which should be seen as a literary and policy pre-cursor to the advent of the New Labour government, which is where extensive interest in literacy (and, specifically, its relationship to social exclusion) was triggered. Indeed, the popular election slogan of “education, education, education” that swept Tony Blair to power in 1997 was so ingrained in the national consciousness at the end of the twentieth century that the phrase was short‑listed for entry into the Oxford English Dictionary. Thus, it comes as no surprise to learn that the bulk of the academic output with regards to literacy emanates from this time onwards reaching its zenith in the contemporary era.With specific regards to literacy and secondary education, there can be no more significant work than the essays and research compiled by Maureen Lewis and David Wray (2006). Based upon the work of the Nuffield Extended Literacy (EXEL) Project, this is a primary source book that uses the first‑hand experiences of teachers to form a composite whole regarding how best to implement literacy lesson plans in a secondary school classroom. This has been augmented by guidebooks such as Wray’s own Teaching Literacy (2006), which shows secondary school teachers (particularly English teachers) how to incorporate literacy learning in a mainstream classroom setting.