社会学和历史分析的方法,反文化的共同选择的主流分析和评论的许多作家。这一前提的核心是,我会看最详细的书,Noami Klein的无标识(2001)。在这,她断定,而反文化一直拉拢之前,新的反主流文化的不同是因为它使自己的品牌目标。叛军出售(2006)由Joseph Heath和Andrew Potter在反主流文化和主流市场之间的关系的细节看,认为颠覆性的群体一直被增选为主流。G. Ritzer社会的麦当劳化(2000)看品牌如何支配和均质文化。这种反文化的材料是给定一个选择一个由Mark Alfino和John Caputo主编的散文适当的解毒剂(1998):“麦当劳化”研究:对消费文化的批判essats。在这些文章中,有人认为,世界末日的主题同质化和“化”,在本质上,建立在虚构的前提下,品牌意味着什么的时候,在现实中,他们是“元符号”,可以被赋予任何意义。公司:角度揭示身份,形象,信誉,企业的品牌,和企业级营销:文选,由John M. T.巴尔默和Stephen A. Greyser编辑(2003)详细在后现代企业法人身份的复杂性。特别令人感兴趣的是详细的概念,身份已变得过于重视图形设计和嵌合体。
Sociological and historical analyses of the ways in which counterculture is co-opted by the mainstream is analysed and critiqued by many writers. Central to this premise is the book that I will be looking at in most detail, Noami Klein’s No Logo (2001). In it, she posits that while counterculture has always been co-opted previously, the new counterculture is different because it makes brands themselves the target. The Rebel Sell (2006) by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter look in detail at the relationships between counterculture and the marketing mainstream, arguing that subversive groups have always been co-opted into the mainstream. The McDonaldization of Society by G. Ritzer (2000) looks at how branding dominates and homogenizes culture. This countercultural material is given an appropriate antidote with a selection of essays edited by Mark Alfino and John Caputo (1998): McDonaldisation Revisited: Critical Essats on Consumer Culture. In these essays, it is argued that apocalyptic themes of homogenization and “Americanisation” are, in essence, built upon the fictional premise that brands actually mean something when, in reality, they are “meta-symbols” that can be assigned any meaning whatsoever. Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding, and Corporate-Level Marketing: An Anthology, edited by John M. T. Balmer and Stephen A. Greyser (2003) looks in detail at the complexities of corporate identity in the postmodern corporation. Of particular interest is the detailed conception that identity has become too attached to graphical design and chimera.