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整个动画,不管日常的期望或希望得到的,他是完全相反的。有好几次,他试图控制局面,发现自己被操纵得更厉害,但同时观众也能看到他的愤怒程度在上升。一个很好的例子是,当他发现自己在远处一个荒无人烟的小岛上时,他要求一个特写镜头,观众几乎听不见。但代替相机靠近,屏幕的边框缩去陷害他,傻乎乎的第一反应是很讽刺但很快就会沮丧。相机迅速放大显示只是傻乎乎的加重眼睛。愚蠢的试图获得自己和动画之间的了解,但他很快就被一个黑色的材料称量他下来,最终把“屏幕”。然后他又回到漫画中,暗示动画应该已经开始了,尽管它已经运行了好几分钟。整个一块傻乎乎的不断试图恢复他的力量和控制,但一次又一次,他是由某种恶作剧的叙事中断。何止是很快任命为试点,但这纯粹是为了推出一系列的噱头,包括关闭屏幕的空难,秋天,他的降落伞变成体重的重量成为爆炸的炸弹。在这一点上,何止是无依无靠,失去所有的控制,但有一个最后的尝试恢复一些尊严,他要求知道“是谁负责这一切?我要求你表现出来!”观众们现在习惯的镜头被打破了,镜头被拉开,展示了动画师-小兔子。整件作品是一系列独立的插科打诨,没有关联到另一个除了折磨疯狂。但是,有了这样的震惊和惊讶,这是最大的一个恶作剧,那就是他的敌人,兔子,一直是主人的头脑。查克·琼斯很好的技巧是创造一个喜剧悬念,种植一个笑话,让观众等待的必然结果。通过这样做,它创造了一个笑的集合,一个插科打诨的完成。Duck Amuck表明,这极大的,在动画中几乎每一个休息点是恶作剧的开始。而达菲是安慰自己可能在恶作剧,他尚未意识到下一个恶作剧的开始。
Throughout the whole animation, whatever Daffy's expectations are or wishes to receive, he is given the complete opposite. Several times he tries to take control of the situation, to find himself being manipulated even more, but at the same time the audience are able to witness his anger levels rising. A great example of this is when he finds himself on a small deserted island in the distance, he calls for a close up, which the audience can hardly hear. But instead of receiving the camera to come closer, the frame of the screen shrinks to frame him, Daffy's first response is quite sarcastic but soon explodes with frustration. The camera quickly zooms in to reveal just Daffy's aggravated eyes. Daffy tries to gain an understanding between himself and the animator, but he is soon interrupted by a black material weighing him down, eventually tearing up the 'screen'. He then returns to suggesting the cartoon should begin even though it has already been running for several minutes. Throughout the piece Daffy continuously tries to regain his strength and control, but time and time again he is interrupted by some kind of gag narrative. Daffy is soon appointed as a pilot, but this is purely to launch a series of gags, including an off screen air crash, the fall, his parachute turning into a weight, the explosion of the weight which becomes a bomb. At this point Daffy is left helpless, a loss of all control, but with one finally attempt to regain some dignity, he demands to know "Who is responsible for all of this? I demand that you show yourself!" The enclosed boarder that the audience is now accustomed to is broken as the camera pulls away to reveal the animator - Bugs Bunny. The whole piece is a series of independent gags, no relevance to one another except to torment Daffy. But with such shock and surprise to the biggest gag of all, that it was his arch-enemy Bugs Bunny who was the master mind the entire time. Chuck Jones great skill was creating a comic suspense, planting a joke and letting the audience wait for the evitable outcome. By doing this, it created a build up for laughter, the fulfilment of a gag. Duck Amuck demonstrates this immensely, practically every 'rest' point in the animation is the start of a gag. While Daffy is reassuring himself possibly after a gag, he is yet unaware of the next gag about to begin.

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