
根据该法案的规定,警察们应该向受害者提供建议,帮助他们获得庇护,提供医疗服务,并提出刑事诉讼。《家庭暴力法》还赋予了警察逮捕被告犯罪者的权力,没有一个合理的嫌疑,或者威胁要对受害者实施家庭暴力。如果有人被逮捕,他们将在48小时内被带到法官面前(政府公报)。根据密歇根宪法,(艺术)。我,24秒。;滚开。1988年12月24日)和《犯罪受害者权利法》(1985年第87号);MCL 780.751)给了犯罪受害者以尊严和尊重的权利。在被逮捕后,确保所有人都能及时处理。受害者也有权获得紧急和医疗服务。接受所有法庭诉讼的解释。该法案允许他们免受来自雇主的任何威胁、行为和/或解雇。负责处理案件的检察官的名字。任何预定的法庭程序,包括判决,被告在等待审判时的保释或越狱。感化部门的地址和电话号码。出席法庭审判,并向一名审前调查人员作口头陈述,并写一份影响陈述,将包括在审前报告中。受害者也可以得到关于被告的定罪、判决、监禁和释放的信息。(密西根州检察官协会)。
Under the provision of this bill, police officers are suppose to advise the victim of their rights under, help in obtaining shelter, offer medical treatment, and to lodge a criminal complaint. The Domestic Violence Act also gives police officers the power to arrest the accused perpetrator, without a warrant who is reasonably suspected to have committed or who is threatening to commit an act of domestic violence on a victim. If any person is arrested they are to be brought before a magistrate within forty-eight hours (Government Gazette). Under the Michigan Constitution, (Art. I, Sec. 24; eff. Dec. 24, 1988) and the Crime Victim's Rights Act, (1985 PA 87; MCL 780.751) have given crime victims the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Making sure all is handled in a timely manner following an arrest. The victim also has the right to receive emergency and medical services. Receive an explanation of all court proceedings. This act allows them to be protected of being free of any threats, acts, and/or discharge from your employer. The name of the Prosecutor's who is handling the case. Any scheduled court proceedings, including sentencing, the defendant's release on bond or escape from custody while awaiting trial. The probation departments address and telephone number. Attend the court trial and make an oral statement to a pre-sentence investigator, and to write an impact statement which will be included in the pre-sentence report. Victims are also allowed to receive information regarding the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused. (Michigan Prosecuting Attorney Associations).