emotional intelligence is the ability to logically manage the emotions, understands and to applies these controlled and managed emotions to connect and influence. These authors lay more emphasis on the application part of EI in organizations. In simple words emotional intelligence is using your emotions intelligently. The first step to this would be recognizing and understanding your emotions. For example, if your boss screams at you in office today because you came in late, coming home and screaming at your kids would not be the best thing to do. It will just keep the negative feeling floating from one person's head to another. An emotionally intelligent person in this situation would first recognize that he is angry because his boss yelled at him. Dr. Goleman (1999) asserts that awareness of our feelings also enables us to perceive the feelings of others accurately -to be empathetic, to feel with another person. In this case, understanding that your boss yelled because you came late, will make you realize that being on time will make things better. Thus, dealing with our emotions rationally and intelligently will make events better.