As research methodology is the plan and structure of investigation of an aim or problem on which research is relaying so different techniques are applied to get the answers of desired question. Methodology is the theory of how research should be undertaken, including the theoretical and philosophical assumptions upon which research is based and the implications of these for the method or methods adopted (Saunders. M, et al, 2007). According to the Kaplan's discussion of this concept in 'The Conduct of Inquiry', He distinguishes several senses of methodology: (1) techniques, the specific procedures used in a given science; (2) honorifics, a ritual invocation attesting to concern with meeting standards of scientific acceptability; (3) epistemology, involving the most basic philosophical questions about the pursuit of truth. Research methodology is "the overall process guiding the entire research project". Another way to look at methodology is to call it the "primary evidence generation mechanism" (Prashant. P, et al, 2003). It is also an activity which is time consuming so I am using dissimilar proficiencies. My main purpose of the research is to focus on the information technology and its effects at the time of its introduction on the workplaces. I am also analysing the difference among the condition of the workplace before and after the introduction of IT. I am also researching on the technologies (such as computers, digital cameras, automated chines etc) which are used in the workplace.