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风险,一般来说,是指业务结果和业绩的变化预测(米勒,1992)。只在国内市场经营的企业面临市场风险、流动性风险、信用违约风险等风险。除了这些常见的风险外,国际化经营的企业还面临着外汇风险,包括经营风险、交易风险和转换风险(Eiteman, Stonehill, & Moffett, 2015)。如果企业未来现金流的现值对汇率变化敏感,那么企业就会受到经济风险的影响(Marston, 2001)。参与全球化市场的公司容易受到本国或外国货币价值变化的影响,然而经济风险的影响并不局限于特定的行业(Marston, 2001)。由于该公司在多个国家开展业务,我们对汇率波动的整体敞口有所减少。经济风险分为两类,即直接经济风险和间接经济风险(Eiteman et al., 2015)。如果组织参与了外汇交易或希望在未来进行外汇交易,则直接经济风险会影响组织(Eiteman et al., 2015)。它具体被称为交易风险,指的是一个公司的外汇计价交易由于汇率风险的变异性(Martin & Mauer, 2003)。由于我们的公司在跨国范围内运作,我们的回购利率可能会在交易合同的签发日期和结算日期之间发生变化(Martin & Mauer, 2003)。这种运动可以是有利的,也可以是不利的。印度央行经过校准的紧缩立场表明,回购利率的潜在上升可能会增加我们长期借款的成本。然而,印度央行将回购利率维持在6.50%,直到下一次货币政策委员会的双月会议,这意味着我们目前的短期借款(一到两个月)将基本不受影响。
 Risks, in general, refer to the variation in business outcomes and performance to forecasts (Miller, 1992). Businesses that operate only in the domestic market face risks such as market risk, liquidity risk, and credit/default risk faced. On top of these common risks, businesses that operate on an international scale also face foreign exchange risk which comprises of operating exposure, transaction exposure and translation exposure (Eiteman, Stonehill, & Moffett, 2015). Companies are influenced by economic risks if the present value of its future cash flows are sensitive to changes in exchange rates (Marston, 2001). Companies that partake in globalised markets are susceptible to changes in the value of the domestic or foreign currency however the effects of economic exposure are not restricted to a particular industry (Marston, 2001). Since, this company operates in multiple countries, our overall exposure to fluctuating exchange rates is lessened.There are two categories of economic risk known as direct economic exposure and indirect economic exposure (Eiteman et al., 2015). Direct economic exposure affects organisations if they are involved in foreign currency transactions or expecting to have foreign currency transactions in the future (Eiteman et al., 2015). Specifically known as transaction exposure it refers to the variability in a firm’s foreign currency denominated transactions due to exchange rate risk (Martin & Mauer, 2003). Given our company operates on a multinational scale, we are subject to changes in the repo rates that occur between the issuance and settlement dates of our transaction contracts (Martin & Mauer, 2003). Such movements can be either favourable or unfavourable. The potential increases in the repo rate, signalled by the RBI’s calibrated tightening stance, may increase the cost of our long-term borrowings. However, the RBI maintenance of the repo rate 6.50 percent till the next MPC bi-monthly meeting means that our current short-term borrowings (one to two months) will remain mostly unaffected. 

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