MBA 论文代写:新商业环境
Keywords:MBA 论文代写
Inyang (2010) in this article has pointed out that "the new business context, which is characterized by increasing globalization, greater organizational complexity, market competitiveness and cutting-edge information communication technology, is prompting organization executives to take more interest in the deployment and utilization of their human resources". Due to these reasons it is imperative that business organizations should look for the desired integration of the human resource strategies according to the strategies pursued by the business organization. Inyang (2010) has argued that the human talent possessed by the business organization fulfills all the consideration of the competitive advantage as it is sustainable, inimitable, and could not be replicate in a short period of time. Accordingly the organization that possessed the best strengths in terms of human talent as well as organization that pursued the best strategies that help the business organization to attract and retain key individuals in the organization is capable of accomplishing its long-term goals and objectives.
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