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最初提到全球化是把一个复杂的问题。全球化经常被学者们争论到底是什么意思?。全球化作为一种经常晚第二十个世纪,上世纪第二十一年代初的经济现象,刺激创新的通信和信息技术。这与大众的航空旅行和英语作为商业、政治和科学的共同语言的主导地位结合在了一起(水晶,1997)。世界银行将全球化定义为“世界经济和社会的日益融合”(世界银行2001)。然而,牛津英语字典的定义全球化”的企业或其他组织的发展过程,国际影响或开始经营具有国际规模。”(牛津英语词典2010)安东尼吉登斯(1990)描述了全球化的世界范围内社会关系连接遥远的地方,在这样一个地方发生的事件发生许多英里远,反之亦然,形强化”。这个词也可以用来描述社会和世界经济的变化,这是贸易和文化交流急剧增加的结果。正是在经济的背景下,社会的这些变化会导致教育的变化(春季2009),考虑到全球化会增加教育的需求吗?主要考虑到经济,高等教育在一个全球性的,以科学为基础,以知识为中心的经济回报不断增加,使大学教育更多的必备条件,以获得“好”的工作。这与社会政治的人口和民主理想的结合增加了压力对高校提供更广泛的参与,传统上没有参加大学组的机会(Castells & himanen 2002)。
As initially mentioned globalisation is a complex issue to categorise. Globalisation is regularly debated by scholars as to what is actually meant by the term. Globalisation is often presented as a late 20th centaury, early 21st century economic phenomenon, stimulated by innovations in communication and information technologies. This combined with increased air travel by the masses and the growing dominance of English as the common language of business, politics and science (Crystal, 1997). The World Bank defined globalisation as "the growing integration of economies and societies around the world" (World Bank 2001). However the Oxford English Dictionary defines globalisation as "the process by which businesses or other organisations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale." (Oxford English Dictionary 2010) Anthony Giddens (1990) has described globalisation as 'the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa'. The term can also be used to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that are the result of dramatically increased trade and cultural exchange. It is these changes to society within the context of the economy that can lead to changes with education (Spring 2009).Taking the above into account why would globalisation increase the demand for education? Primarily considering economics, the rising payoffs of a higher education in a global, science based, knowledge focused economy makes university education more of a requisite to get "good" jobs. This in conjunction with socio-political demographics and democratic ideals have increased pressure on universities to provide opportunities for wider participation to groups that traditionally have not attended university (Castells & Himanen 2002).

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