Testing English language learners' proficiency and level is a well-researched field by academic experts in the field of language testing. In fact, curriculum developers as well as teachers have struggled to establish relevant testing styles that assess students' knowledge and abilities. These difficulties arose from the fact that the purposes of assessment with language students are so varied and complex. Changing theories and methods of assessment have been the focus of significant attention for some years now. Curriculum developers have realized that real change will not take place in schools if traditional paper-and-pencil tests whether essays or multiple choice, remain unchanged to exert a restricted influence on how teachers and students approach new curricula. Similarly, examiners have been concerned to develop more valid and authentic ways of assessing the changes which have been introduced into school syllabuses over recent years such as practical work, oral work, problem solving and so forth. As the learning experience interface change dynamically, those experts are in need for relatively new and more authentic testing techniques that ensure students are being taught and tested in ways that prepare them for career life later. In fact, the issue of authenticity in instruction and testing is highly controversial since students often learn things that are not relative to their real life experiences. Therefore, experimental studies have been carried out to come up with better testing methods that assist to prepare students for real life experience. In this paper, I will explain the concept of authentic assessment, the significance of authentic assessment, the developments that led to authentic assessment and the aspects that need to be taken into consideration if an institution intends to introduce authentic testing for language courses.