Traditional delivery of course content takes place in closed systems, but when information can be exchanged with great speed and reach as it can with social media, the notion of forcing students to sit in the classroom while an instructor distributes photocopies and reading lists of books to purchase seems overtly antiquated. Academia has been either slow to adapt to new media or has imposed the same closed system to its digital delivery. College and university instructors whose pedagogy has been shaped in traditional educational environments are facing an emerging generation of students with mobile devices in their hands and search engines at their ¬ngertips. Today in Mauritius, youngsters are savvy of technology and increasingly younger children are owners of web-enabled wifi enabled, GSM mobile devices. More importantly, these students are less inclined to value an instructor's unique expertise if, in fact, the Internet can more readily deliver the same content (Sarachan and Reinson, 2011).Coupled with the reliability of search engines like Google with a powerful and authentic social network of students engaging in the same coursework, educational methodologies are changing, it is essential that Authorities and academia embrace experimenting with the technology. The most engaging conversations are taking place on the Internet because people can communicate in whatever medium ¬ts the content most effectively, whether it is video, images, or hyperlinked text. The massive library of information available through social media and information networks are changing the rules of the learning environment - and educators who explore the possibilities may ¬nd new ways to engage students in broader, richer discussions. The growing Internet access penetration rate in the domestic households testify to this fact Course management systems are unable to ful¬ll the expectations of a networked society since by de¬nition it is a closed system that tries to keep up with rather than lead innovation in educational and social media technology.